This page is about Kunwok adjectives.
- Adjectives carry prefixes to agree with the gender of the noun, e.g. manmak manme good food, bininj nakimuk big man
- Sometimes the choice of adjective reveals a non-default gender, e.g. manwalarr kundulk tall tree
- We can use adjectives predicatively, in a pronoun-adjective, noun-adjective, or a pronoun-noun-adjective construction:
I'm healthy
a small tree
it's a similar place
- Tense marker -ni can also attach to the end of the adjectival construction:
nungka keb-kimuk-ni
he nose-big-PAST
he had a big nose
Adjective | Intransitive Verb | Transitive Verb | Definition |
-bang | -bangmen | be cheeky/violent/toxic/poisonous, become violent/aggressive | |
-buk | -bukmen | -bukwon | be dry, become dry, make dry |
-kerlk | -kerlkmen | -kerlkwon | be soft, become soft, make soft |
-kerrenge | -kerrengemen | -kerrengewon? | be new, become new, make new |
-kih | -kihmen | -kihwon | be wet, become wet, make wet |
-kimuk | -kimukmen | -kimukwon | be big, become big, make big |
-kuyeng | -kuyengmen | -kuyengwon | be long, become long, make long |
-mak | -makmen | -makmiwon | be good, become good, make good |
-rayek | -rayekmen | -rayekwon | be hard, become hard, make hard (strong, hard-working) |
-walarr | -walarrmen | -walarrwon | be tall, become tall, make tall |
-warre | -warremen | -warrewon | be bad, become bad, make bad (no good, sick) |
-worrk | -worrkmen | -worrkmiwon | to be full, to become full, to fill someone (food) |
-yahwurd | -yahwurdmen | -yahwurdwon | be small, become small, make small |
-yirrek | -yirrekmen? | -yirrekmiwon | be slippery, become slippery, make slippery (slimy, greasy) |
- ngaldjenkelk she soft-tongued one
- ngayarlkuyengwon I'm making the string longer
- manme nganwarrewong the food made me sick
- kundalk kakerrngemen the grass is new (after burning)
- kabolkkihminj the place got wet
- kunmadj kabukmen kore kundung the clothes are drying in the sun
- the verbs mean relative or absolute (e.g. soft, softer), use context
- the intransitive verbs follow conjugation 11, and transitive verbs follow conjugation 3c.
- possible other adjectives: wern many, wid wrong, mok sore, rohrok similar, barrkid different, buyika other, bele clean, bulerri dirty
- sometimes there's an extra -mi-, such as makmiwon (not makwon).