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Common Loanwords from English (or other European Languages)

  • bakki tobacco
  • baydjingkul bicycle
  • bikbik pig
  • budjika cat
  • bulikki cattle
  • dabulin tarpaulin, tent
  • djukdjuk chicken
  • delebon telephone
  • mededjin medicine
  • mudika truck, car

Loanwords from Makassan and Malay

Kunwok Translation Makassarese/Malay Translation
baddumang glass, mirror patomang compass, mirror
badjdjo type of yam pacco taro
balabbala sleeping platform palaʔpalaʔ (ML) cottage, couch
baladji bag balase sack, bag
balanda non-Aboriginal person balanda Hollander
banambi fishing net panambe type of fishing net
bandirrang flag to mark grave bendera flag
bangku Aboriginal of mixed-descent kayo bangko mangrove species
barra wet season wind baraʔ westwind
bikkang fish hook/rod pekang fish hook/rod
birradja rice berasa rice
birrang machete parang (ML) machete
bubburru porridge buburuʔ rice porridge
budjdjulung bottle butoloʔ bottle
burrubburru scabies purupuru pimples, pustules
djabirlanga billy can se-belanga (ML) one earthern cooking pot
djambang tamarind camba tamarind
djalawarra trousers saluwaraʔ trousers
djarrang horse jarang horse
djarribang trepang taripang trepang
djawirna friend, disciple toana guest
djila salt cela salty, brackish
djimurru east wind timoroʔ east wind
djulabbang tobacco tin salappa little box
djurlu match coloʔ match
djurra paper, book sura letter
kabbala boat kappalaʔ oar, paddle
kalukku coconut kaluku coconut
kalurru cigarette kaluruʔ to roll up, cigar
kandidjawa flour, pastry, bread kanrejawa type of sweet cake
karrurru ship's sail karoroʔ type of sail cloth
laddum sinker ladung sinker
lama shovel-nosed spear lamang (ML) short sabre
malayu Malay melayu (ML) Malay
mangkadjarra Makassan mangkasaraʔ Makassar
nuna white woman nona Miss, Mrs

The above list was compiled from Evans (1992, 1993) and Garde's unpublished Kunwok dictionary.

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